Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guarenteed Next Day

So I had the day off today but didn't get a chance to get to any of this until just now so needless to say today's post won't be much because I'm just not in the mood right now. However in order to keep the momentum going I'm gonna post a short blurb back. This one is from WAY back in the day. It involves Stan "The Man" and a Fed Ex worker. Enjoy...

Stan: "Hi, what can I get for you today?"
Fed Ex Guy: "Umm... I was actually wondering if you could tell me where the nearest Starbucks is?"

Keep in mind he is standing inside of a rival coffee shop that hates Starbucks in the same way the IRS hates offshore bank accounts in the Caribbean. Stan, in his usual overly sarcastic way, chimes right back.

Stan: "No actually. But hey I got some packages I'm looking to mail. You think you can tell me where I could find the nearest UPS Store?"
Fed Ex Guy: ".... I'll take a large latte..."
Stan: "Comin' right up."

Footnote: Stan didn't get a tip

I think I'm gonna start implementing this strategy simply for the reactions it could generate. Walk into a McDonald's and ask where the nearest Burger King is. Ask the kid at blockbuster if he can help me sign up and explain how Netflix works. Maybe walk into the New Yankee Stadium and ask for directions to Fenway Park. On second thought forget that last one. That would involve me having to step foot into that monument to excess and improper use of tax payer money. Fuck the Yankees...

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