Sunday, April 19, 2009

Did I Really Need to Know that?

"TMI? Too Much Information. It’s just easier to say "TMI". I used to say "don't go there", but that's lame."

-Michael Scott
, Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Paper Co.

So I've been struggling for about 15 minutes now trying to figure out a way to lead into the following story. I guess that some stories you just can't build up. You just need to tell them and let them work their own magic... I think this is one of those stories:

It's a Saturday afternoon and Kari has been stuck working by herself...

Kari waits on 2 teenagers and after ringing them up this is what unfolds:
Kari: "Alright here's your change. Hope you two have a nice day."

Boy: "Ya me too, at least I hope it goes a lot better than last night and earlier today. I had a serious case of explosive diarrhea."
Kari: "Uhhh... what?"
Girl: "Oh don't even complain. I just started my period today and it's heavy as
hell. I already changed my tampon twice and I think I'm about to go change it again."
Boy: "Oh that's gross"

Kari, Still standing at the register dumbfounded: "Uhhhh....what?"

This is what one could call a TMI moment. In fact, this was a two'fer. A tag team effort of sorts. Kari got to hear about explosive diarrhea AND a period that seemed to resemble that scene in the shining when the elevator doors open up and all the blood comes rushing out with Kari playing the role of Jack Nicholson. Who feels it completely necessary to tell a complete stranger about these things? How did Kari manage to keep herself so composed? Why do I have so many stories revolving around feces? Some questions just go unanswered.

On a completely unrelated note, I once found a dried up, used tampon in the woman's bathroom... TMI?

1 comment:

  1. LMAO, yeah that is TMI.

    Thanks for stopping by my garden blog the other day and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it.
