Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hey There... How's It Goin'?

Sooooo... I successfully went the entire month of May without posting a single update. Give it up for me! It's not that I didn't have things to write about. It was more a matter of motivation and free time. I didn't really have much of either during May. However, I've found my hours at Target dwindling and now on a boring ass Tuesday afternoon I really don't have much else to do. So what's going on in my world?

First, as you can all guess I work at Target still, aka the retard mecca of the world. Seriously, last night a woman kept asking the same stupid question over and over because she didn't understand the difference between a chair and a table. The job is slowly killing my will to live. I need to get out of their or find another primary job and pronto. I mean as much as I love cashing paychecks for a whopping $70 every two weeks. Ugh...

Anyways, funny story time. The only question is what do I want to tell? Ok let's go with this. Target generally has a policy where if there is a discrepancy about a price then cashiers should give it to the guest for the price they thought it was going to be as long as it's within about $20 of the actual price. Last week a very hormonal and pregnant woman tried to buy a pair of swim goggle she thought cost $6.00. They got rung up for $8. Now the rational decision here is to change the price to $6 and everyone is happy, but no. the GSTL for that night decided she was going to have a war of words with this woman. This led to a price inquiry which i had to deal with. The woman decided to come back to sporting goods where I was working and see for herself. I was then stuck because the peg she got them from said $6...only it was the wrong peg. When I walkied the front end I got the response, "then they're $8." Great. The woman hears the response and then proceeded to go on a profanity laced tirade towards me about prices and customer satisfaction, and how to be a competent human being and how the GSTL was a bitch, and ya it lasted a good 5 minutes. And i just had to sit their and listen to it. Granted i could have said something, but then I'd be unemployed... again. what a bitch!

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